Changing the way humans experience technology

We know silicon and compound semiconductor devices on their own cannot deliver the necessary functionalities needed to take the next leaps in innovation, slowing progress at the various interfaces where humans meet technology. nsc is the solution.

Designed for
the people

Future of

A new kind of

Silicon has reached its natural limits.

Semiconductors are the engine of the modern economy, underpinning the technological world we live in today.
To continue creating disruptive value that allows systems, software and industries to keep progressing as fast as people's demands, the silicon manufacturing industry has constantly developed and reshaped itself.
However, the current maturation and limitations of silicon are causing a slowdown in improvements and performance, creating one of the greatest technological hurdles we face today.
The future is integration
The chips that will define the next generation of user interfaces across XR, visible photonics, and 5G/6G connectivity demand capabilities and functions that simply extend beyond the natural evolution of computing silicon.
nsc’s first-of-their-kind solution is now enabling industries to deliver on the promise of future technologies. We combine higher performance compound semiconductors in integrated silicon circuit designs to deliver the chips that will make possible new innovations in product, system and software design.

Commercializing our chips

Our integrated chips are produced by co-opting existing manufacturing equipment and processes in order to deliver them at commercial scale, avoiding the cost and yield issues that come from the advanced packaging techniques currently required for different materials to co-exist at a package level.

This easy-to-apply, efficient and cost-effective marriage between silicon and compound semiconductors will reset the boundaries of innovation and performance across sectors that impact every area of our modern economy and lives - allowing people to interact more vibrantly with the world around them.
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Why use nsc?

Monolithic integration of compound semiconductors and silicon CMOS
Delivers new product functionalities and design possibilities
Applicable in multiple technology sectors
Manufactured using existing equipment and processes
Scalable, higher yield, cost effective solution